New Feature Releases
Release Version 22.09.1 date 03.09.2022
Build IWPs from the Defects Grid
Quickly create IWPs from the defects grid to reinspect after rectification works have been completed. Select from the defects list and Ex-Online will build your IWP for those equipment items.

Merge Associated Equipment
Quickly merge duplicated or similar associated equipment records together. Access the new merge function from the Associated Equipment popup.

Release Version 22.05 date 25.05.2022
Fast Filter Bar
A new fast filter bar aligned to a standard HA dossier structure means it’s never been easier to find your EEHA management documentation.

User Defined Document Types
If you have a type of document you commonly keep in your dossier that isn’t one of our pre-defined document types you can now define your own in your project set up.

Other Improvements
- Additional pre-defined document types.
- Simplified competency / qualification record file handling
- Improved filtering functionality
- Improved document type descriptions (no more codes / abbreviations)